Treasurehouse of Makeup

Why Do Women Wear Makeup – 10 Revealing Factors

makeup artist putting makeup on girl

Women have been wearing makeup for many centuries across different cultures. But have you ever wondered: what does makeup mean to a woman? Women across the world wear makeup for different reasons – from achieving better symmetry and facial contrast to strategic self-impression and attracting the opposite gender more prominently. In this article, we’ll explore just that: why do women wear makeup? 

10 Reasons Why Women Wear Makeup

This question has both baffled and amused researchers as well as beauticians for years. Makeup has, however, evolved significantly from the early days of Hollywood divas to the present day, and this is why women love wearing it so much.

1. Strategic self-impression

It’s fair to say that one of the most common reasons for women wanting to wear makeup is strategic self-impression. But what does that mean exactly? 

Makeup can give women a psychological advantage over not only other women but especially over men; that is when it comes to appealing to them.

2. Facial contrast

Many studies have demonstrated that women wearing makeup that creates a higher colour contrast between their face, eyes, and lips, are found more attractive by men. In fact, lipstick and eyeshadow were created for this exact reason!

Red lipstick, for instance, is a staple in women’s makeup, where men have reported finding it more attractive than, say, nude pink, simply because it creates more contrast. 

3. Youthful looks

Certain kinds of makeup are designed to give women more youthful looks. Blush and eyeliner both help with this, making the eyes look bigger and more wondrous, compared to the rest of the face. Youth, of course, signals to the opposite gender that a woman is fertile, which automatically increases her sex appeal. 

4. Sexual arousal

Specific kinds of makeup (blush and highlighter) help not only in adding extra colour and reflection to the cheeks but also to make a woman more sexually attractive. Couple this with eyeliner and mascara to make the eyes look darker, giving the pupils a dilated appearance, which is precisely what happens during sexual arousal. 

5. Symmetry 

Every woman obsesses about overachieving the perfect facial symmetry, and why not? Different kinds of makeup, like foundation, for example, help to even out the face’s complexion, thus, creating better visual symmetry. 

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6. Self-confidence booster

While makeup can make a woman stand out more than others in terms of physical attractiveness, it can also help her become more confident and assertive. 

Studies have shown that women who wear makeup feel more confident throughout the day and even feel smarter, performing better at college and university. 

Every time a woman feels she is attractive and desirable, she automatically feels more confident. A plethora of studies exist backing up the fact that women who regularly wear makeup produce more serotonin (the brain’s feel good chemical).

Feeling positive, happy, and relaxed all day long, naturally, will impact her ability to learn and absorb more – as opposed to feeling dull, depressed, and insecure without makeup.

Women who wear makeup also experience higher self-esteem levels, which can help them in all areas of life.

7. A form of concealment and camouflage   

On the opposite end of the spectrum, women may also use makeup to ‘camouflage’ themselves in many ways, either due to low self-esteem or certain insecurities, for example – she may feel that the opposite gender won’t find her appealing unless she wears makeup. 

Here are more reasons for why do girls wear makeup as a form of concealment and camouflage:


8. Creative & artistic self-expression

While some women wear makeup to cover up their flaws or enhance their best features, others simply wear it as a form of artistic or creative expression. For example:

9. To calm and ease the soul

When it comes to why women use makeup, did you know that many use it as a calming ritual?

Many women deliberately set time aside each do to work on their makeup, so those 15-30 minutes or so are some of the most calming and tranquil minutes of their day!

Some women, in fact, find it just as calming, relaxing, and even therapeutic to take their makeup off at the day’s end, similar to stripping off one’s undergarments and slipping into something comfortable before going to bed. 

You can definitely take this calming ritual a few notches up by applying/taking off makeup in a ‘special’ place. Interestingly, many women have designated places in their home like vanities and kaboodles to practice their ‘makeup on/makeup off ritual’. This gets them in the perfect frame of mind to do one of the things they do best, and if you add the right lighting, you can even apply yours with more accuracy and skill. A great makeup brush, for instance, is just one of the ways to improve your daily makeup ritual, so check out these best makeup brushes while you’re at it. 

10. Looking and feeling younger

Makeup can also be worn if you are simply looking for an excuse to look and feel younger!

Here are some ways in which it can help you achieve precisely that:


Wearing Makeup That Speaks To You

There may be many reasons when it comes to why do women wear makeup. Throughout history, women have worn makeup for varying, and even contradictory, reasons. And this is why the subject of why do women use makeup has a bit of a controversial place in society. But does wearing more makeup really make you more attractive?

Well, no matter what society says or doesn’t say, wearing makeup has clearly shown to create a very positive impact in a woman’s life, so go ahead, look your best and feel your best like there’s no tomorrow!


Why is makeup important to a woman?

Makeup is important to many women for various reasons. It can boost self-esteem and confidence, serve as a form of creative expression, and be used to enhance physical features. For some, it's a calming ritual that helps set the tone for the day. The importance of makeup varies from woman to woman and depends on individual preferences, cultural influences, and personal beliefs.

Why do women wear makeup all the time?

Not all women wear makeup all the time, but those who do often see it as an integral part of their daily routine. For these women, makeup can be a way to consistently present themselves in a certain manner, whether for professional reasons, self-confidence, or personal enjoyment. It's also important to note that "all the time" is subjective and can vary widely among individuals.

What is the real purpose of makeup?

The real purpose of makeup is multifaceted. It originally started as a way to enhance physical attractiveness and has evolved over time. Today, it serves multiple purposes: enhancing or altering appearance, expressing personality and style, covering imperfections, and even protecting the skin from environmental factors. Makeup can also be used in artistic and professional contexts, such as in theatre, television, and fashion.

Is it necessary for women to wear makeup?

No, it is not necessary for women to wear makeup. The decision to wear makeup is a personal choice influenced by individual preferences, cultural norms, social contexts, and personal beliefs. While some women may feel more confident or professionally prepared with makeup, others may feel comfortable and confident without it. The necessity of makeup is subjective and should be based on personal comfort and choice.



Chatel, A., (2023) Does Wearing More Makeup Really Make You More Attractive? [online] Available at [accessed 24/01/24]


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